All news /Affordable Housing /Architecture /Art /Being Thrifty /Blackburn /Blog /Branding /Britain /British Culture /Charity /City /Coastal Regeneration /Community /Covid-19 /Culture /Design /Developers /Development /Eco-Friendly /Economy /Engagement /Equal Opportunities /Events /Exhibition /Family /Fashion /Festival /Globalisation /Government /Green Space /Heritage /Housebuilders /Housing /Independent Retailing /Interior Design /London /Masterplanning /Music /Placemaking /Politics /Purpose /Red or Dead /Regeneration /Retail /Shopping /Society /Sport /Staiths /Sustainability /Technology /Thrift /Town Centres /Transport /Travel /Undesirable Housing /Uniforms /Urban Design /Vintage /Vintage Festival /Wayne Hemingway
- The story of the creation of the Festival of Thrift which turns 10 years old in 2022 In 2011 Gerardine and I were introduced to a chap called John Orchard. He was part of a group of investors who had taken on the enormous, 2 million square foot, Paton & Baldwin’s knitting yarn factory in […]